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This website is intended to inform the public and others about local clubs/teams/Performance groups, upcoming artistic swimming competitions and related events, exhibitions and artistic swim performances as well as other aquatic interests/info which benefits the local communities in each Region/Zone. We are committed to maintaining our excellence to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in our sport. We are also a website for the continuity of information about our sport and our commitment to inform about our sports inclusion progress and success.

This website is NOT directly affiliated with the Pacific Association of Synchronized Swimming (PASS), The West Zone Artistic Swimming, Artistic Swim AWD, or USA Artistic Swimming (USAAS), USAAS Foundation or any other Artistic Swimming organization. The contents, language, views, opinions or any other information, does not necessarily reflect any of the Organizations/Clubs listed, or any organization we are directly affiliated with. 

Any of the club or zone information viewed within this website can be found on the individual club sites and/or throughout internet searches. The USA West Zone DEI Website does not officially represent any of the clubs or organizations listed or mentioned. We are a FREE referral and information page and the clubs or organizations do not have any contractual or monetary agreement for any service or information we provide.

This website represents the alliance of over 50 Artistic Swim Clubs/Teams/Performance Groups in the WEST ZONE of the USA by Regions:

Region A=Alaska, Montana, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Wyoming, Pacific Northwest, Idaho

Region B=Northern California, Inland Empire

Region C=Southern California, San Diego/Imperial, Hawaii

Region D=New Mexico, Southern Nevada, Arizona


1) To reach out and inform the community about DEI in our sport.
2) Active recruitment of swimmers from underrepresented populations for the clubs/teams/performance groups. 
3) To encourage club/team swimmers to participate with coaching LTAD for underrepresented swimmers to ensure their success with our sport.
4) To continue to promote diversity, equity and inclusion within the sport of artistic swimming and to be a model representation for inclusion.
5) To work with our USAAS Federation to encourage and provide best practices with DEI and recruitment of swimmers
6) To reach out to generous sponsors and donors to assist us with our DEI initiatives in our sport and to encourage long term diversity development and inclusion for everyone

While there are a diverse selection of clubs/teams throughout the region and zone, there are many cities and areas which do not have individual artistic swim teams/clubs. There may be individual coaches in your area who can provide private training at your pool of choice, but you would need to contact the nearest club/team to make this arrangement. You can also contact the Regional Area where you live to find the listing of clubs/teams nearest you. Information can be found on the West Zone website page:

The Governing sports body is the United States Artistic Swimming Federation USAAS (Colorado) and the clubs/teams in the WEST ZONES are represented within the FIVE West Regions of the USA= (A, B, C, D). The Clubs/Teams/Performance Groups listed offer a variety of programs from camps, performances, recreational, competitive, collegiate to masters. These clubs/teams serve anyone with any ability including athletes with disabilities (AWD) as well as athletes from our underserved populations.

If you have ANY personal swim questions or are interested in a particular club in your Region, please visit the clubs/teams/performance groups page. You will see the link to the West Zone Website below which will list all the specific clubs in each Region by State (A, B, C, D). 

If you are an interested Zone/Region Club/Team Member offering to contribute an article to our Blog, please contact us (using the website contact form) so we can chat with you about your interest/topic related to DEI initiatives/programs for our sport. 

Tina Boales is the West Zone DEI Chairperson for the 2024-2026 Term. She is currently the Head Coach for a Region B (NorCal) club, Bay Area Artistic Swimming (primarily athletes with disabilities=AWD), in San Jose, California. She previously served two terms as the Region B DEI Chairperson and also served in Governance for the Federation. Coach Tina is also the President of the Artistic Swim AWD organization, which is a global educational and advocacy group for athletes with disabilities. 

Coach Tina has been involved in artistic swimming as a coach and advocate since 2009. Coach Tina's daughter, Raquel, is also a coach, advocate and an artistic swimmer (AWD) and swims at high performance competitions around the world. Coach Tina and Coach Raquel started the global movement to include AWD globally in competitions and training all over the world. Coach Tina is a strong advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion and believes that everyone's quality of life in sports matter and there should be no barriers to success. Coach Tina is completing her Master's of Science program in Kinesiology (Sports/Facilities Mgmt. for people w/impairments). Coach Tina is an aquatics therapy assistant for the Veterans Administration.